Hello dears friends,
To register on this site, and to facilitate the management
only with Call & Name (ex: 1SD001-Marco)
Other registrations will be deleted or modified.
After registration and validation by WebTeam,
you will have access to SD Group information & other.

contact_mini Contact Webmasters. .....
The WebTeam
73"s by Marco, Sergio



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Only official logs are accepted.
The logs will be sent before June 23 to the QSL Manager, Pierrot 14SD007 (French QSL Buro). By email or post.
DD80 activation dates are June 2, 00:00 UTC to June 9, 23:59 UTC.
Only members registered on April 28 will be able to activate DD80.
It is desirable that operators who have contacted DD80 stations send the usual contribution (Paypal) as well as an SAE.

QSL Manager 14SD007 Pierrot (French QSL Buro)

Log excel



| SD On Air | 1 Comment | 869


Activated by 230SD101 Flo

Chat Whatsapp open for those who sent sponsorship

Minimum 10.00 euros / always as help to family and friends.

This sponsorship includes a delivery of a beautiful diploma via email which certifies the sponsorship of this activation 0. A private Whatsapp group will be created where there will be photos, news and above all timetables and operator transmission frequencies.
Furthermore your Call Sign will be printed in the QSL and if you will be in the log, you will not have to send a contribution.
Unfortunately, direct QSL will not be possible for the country concerned
We're in touch for now...

Normal contribution SD + SAE / PayPal is available
QSL Manager 1SD003 Luca

Log online



| SD On Air | No comment | 140


Start: 08/09/2023
End: 28/10/2023

20 Teams => 20 different Calls
A special qsl (double) will be published for this event.
The logs will be online (if available) at the end of the event in the "Activations & logs" section.

More info: https://sugar-delta.fr/news/3-sd-on-air/311-14sdrwc2023/

Normale Contribution + SAE
QSL Manager: 14SD160 Jean Jacques
Jean Jacques Bétourné
1 rue de la Gare
60112 Milly sur Thérain
- France -
