SD World Contest 2024
SD World Contest 2024
Contest Manager 161SD077 Jerry
Contest Logs : Please use only accept official SD Log Sheets.
They can be downloaded from the web site
Log excel
Log pdf
Rules and Guidelines
The contest is open to all groups.
First Weekend Start: 19th October 2024 @ 00.00 GMT
First Weekend End: 20th October 2024 @ 23:59 GMT
Second Weekend Start: 26th October 2024 @ 00.00 GMT
Second Weekend End: 27th October 2024 @ 23.59 GMT
(All logs must be in GMT time) Please make sure you know your local time in GMT before you start the contest,
as you will be disqualified if you start before 00.00 GMT or end after 23.59 GMT.
Sending Logs : Emailed logs must be sent well within the deadline date: 31st December 2024.
Any logs received after or on this date will be void.
Scores: 1 point for each contact multiplied by the divisions worked is: 50 progressives x 10 divisions = 500 points. You MUST give and receive a progressive number, contact with ALL stations are valid only if a progressive number is given between both stations, NO PROGRESSIVE NO POINT! The only acceptation will be: when working an SES, DX, IOTA or Zero. The contact (in the log) will be accepted providing the contest manager can obtain a copy of the log book of the activation to confirm the contact and WILL be acceptd without a progressive number received or given. Who can you contact
You can work operators in any division including your own.
Contest Logs : Please use only accept official SD Log Sheets. (Do not colour in any of the log book pages, please black and white only) Participation If you participate within the contest please ALL send in your logs whether you have made 1 contact or more, this will be very much appreciated.
Calling Frequencies : 27.595 and then QSY to any frequency for the QSO providing it is within your countries local laws
and regulations. You can use 27.555 if your radio will not transmit on 27.595,
I ask all where possible to use 27.595 to avoid making to much QRM on 555 for those who do not participate within the contest
to give them a chance to make some DX.
27.275 : I recommend to use frequency 27.275 in the contest who has problems with radio police
and has no opportunity to work higher than 27.405.
Trophies The first top 3 finalist SD members Single and Multi operators will receive a trophy each.
The first place single operator NON SD member will receive a trophy.
The first placed Multi Operator NON SD member will receive a trophy.
Good luck to all!
Jerry 161SD077
Africa Tour
Africa Tour August 2024
507SD/0 AKA 89SD/0
Activated by:
1SD123 Antonio
Normal Contribution + SAE
QSL Manager 1SD004 Paride
Chat Whatsapp open and Direct QSL for those who sent sponsorship
Minimum 10.00 euros / always as help to family and friends.
Tour Africa Support is Antonio's mission. With your help he will buy food, medicine, clothes and will do everything he can to help children. Documentary evidence of the money spent will be posted on the supporter's chat and on Facebook. Your donation will help people and make them smile!
Log online
Only official logs are accepted.
The logs will be sent before June 23 to the QSL Manager, Pierrot 14SD007 (French QSL Buro). By email or post.
DD80 activation dates are June 2, 00:00 UTC to June 9, 23:59 UTC.
Only members registered on April 28 will be able to activate DD80.
It is desirable that operators who have contacted DD80 stations send the usual contribution (Paypal) as well as an SAE.
QSL Manager 14SD007 Pierrot (French QSL Buro)
Log excel
Activation type SES
Activated by 2SD172 Gerardo
2SD505 Carlos
Will be active on weekends from the park
QSL Manager 2SD002 Mark
Start date: 10/02/2024
Activated by:
226SD101 Don
226SD102 Urgen
Normale Contribution + SAE - PayPal is available
QSL Manager 1SD004 Paride
Activated by 230SD101 Flo
Chat Whatsapp open for those who sent sponsorship
Minimum 10.00 euros / always as help to family and friends.
This sponsorship includes a delivery of a beautiful diploma via email which certifies the sponsorship of this activation 0. A private Whatsapp group will be created where there will be photos, news and above all timetables and operator transmission frequencies.
Furthermore your Call Sign will be printed in the QSL and if you will be in the log, you will not have to send a contribution.
Unfortunately, direct QSL will not be possible for the country concerned
We're in touch for now...
Normal contribution SD + SAE / PayPal is available
QSL Manager 1SD003 Luca
Log online
Start date: 20/01/2024
End date: 27/01/2024
Activated by: 41SD001 Lance, 41SD011 Giovanni and 41SD101 Rene
Only 1 call per operator, not multiple call signs
QSL Manager 30SD020 Vicente
Normal contribution SD + SAE / PayPal is available
Via mail send to:
P.O. BOX 45
Log online
Start date: 15/07/2023
End date: 31/03/2024
Activated by Campania Team
Only E-QSL
QSL Manager 1SD004 Paride
Start date: 27/08/2023
Activated by 206SD101 Abel
He will be active time to time
Normale Contribution + SAE - PayPal is available
QSL Manager 1SD004 Paride